Complex json with sub arrays to uipath QueueItem SpecificContent

Hello all,
how to add complex json to UiPath queue without go for each item in the json

my json quite complex has multiple arrays is there direct way then i use item.spesfic content?

if yes please let me know how .

Please share the sample JSON with us as a solutions depends on the JSON structure details


to add a complex JSON to a queue without iterating through specific content, use the “Add Queue Item” activity, and set the ItemInformation property’s Content field to your complex JSON. This will add the entire JSON as a single queue item.


do i just drop the json object!
please share !

here is sample IncomingTerritories and outgoing can be 30 item in the array same as Accounts
“SolutionId”: “SOL-1233-BC”,
“CustomerName”: “Haz-sal”,
“CustomerType”: “Investment Fund”,
“StreetAddress”: “malmo”,
“City”: “Shanyview”,
“PostalCode”: “15488”,
“Country”: “sweden”,
“CountryCode”: “TN”,
“RiskLevel”: “Medium-High”,
“BranchCode”: “010”,
“CountryOfIncorporation”: “TN”,
“IncomingTerritories”: [
“CountryCode”: “DE”
“OutgoingTerritories”: [
“CountryCode”: “AD”
“PaymentForecast”: {
“MaxMonthlyPayments”: 0,
“MaxSinglePayment”: 0,
“VolumePerMonth”: 0
“PricingCurrency”: “USD”,
“MarginPercentageCategory1”: 1.9,
“MarginPercentageCategory2”: 1.9,
“MarginPercentageCategory3”: 1.9,
“Accounts”: [
“AccountTypeId”: 6,
“AccountType”: “Funds Account”,
“Currency”: “USD”,
“SafeGuard”: true
“AccountTypeId”: 4,
“AccountType”: "Fee ",
“Currency”: “MXN”,
“SafeGuard”: true

There are several options

  • Storing the entire JSON String under 1 SpecificContent Entry
  • Creating Dynamic a SpecificContent and handling inner complex structures specific
  • Combining both Approaches

However lets focus an additional Approach

Convert the JSON into a Dictionary(Of String, Object)
dictSPC =
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(of String, Object))(txtJSON)

Unfortunately we cannot use directly when adding the QueueItem

But with the following Reconversion we can use it later
dictSPC2 | Dictionary(Of String, Object) =

dictSPC.Select(Function (x) new KeyValuePair(Of String, Object)(x.Key, x.Value.toString)).ToDictionary(Function (x) x.Key, Function (x) x.Value)

then add it to the Queue

Result in ORC:

When retrieving the QueueItem we get:


And can use this string to parse it into a JArray back like:

Samples done within the immediate Panel:
Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum


Thanks a lot will definitely try it today :slight_smile:

Sorry my mistake ignore this

The first parts worked great but an issue when i add the queue item

What should be the type here !
dictionary ?

We would suggest to still use the dictSPC2 as a Dictionary(Of String, Object) and place it under the ItemInformationCollection

Additional Data you can add before by using

Assign Activity
dictSPC2(“YourKey”) = YourValue

dictSPC2(“ClientID”) = “#123456”

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Big Thanks you made its so clear and easy :slight_smile:

one question is it possible to loop through
in_Transactionitem.specific.content(“Accounts”) for example or should i get all and set them to a table !


assumption as described above. The QueueItem SpecificContent reflect the json. But deeper nested structures are serialized as mentioned here:

So for the accounts
Visual Reminder:

we can do (Jarray Parsing)

Quick Datatable Conversion


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