How to compare Column A and Column B and write in Column C in same sheet and in same excel file and not creating new excel file using uipath automation
- use read range activity to read the values from column A and column B
- use if condition to compare values
- use write cell activity to write back to the excel
If you want the solution share the input excel and what is comparison needed
Hi @Lak_Ui
what is the condition should write in if condition please mam and thanks in advance mam
what is that exactly you need
you need check whether column A =Column B and then write the result to column C?
wait i will send you the excel file mam
Compare.xlsx (8.4 KB)
in this input file i want read the column A and Column b and Write in column C using uipath that is Column A + Column B=Column C and write in same sheet
mam can you send me the solution ?please
i can see that column A is having letters…Do you want to avoid the letters and do addition operation?
don’t avoid the letters and not adding for example : B4283 707757.4
the operation should be like this which i have mentioned above the example
the example is fine i think so mam can you please send me the solution
Main.xaml (6.3 KB)
Please find attached the solution
i don’t see any solution there it is same mam
please check the attached xaml file
Hi @sunil.kumar.s.v ,
What is that you need. Please provide more clarity
@sunil.kumar.s.v Check this attached workflow, (9.6 KB)
Hope this may help you
yes! and thank you so much for quick response sir
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