I have two excel file,
One excel, there is an column with " Itemname"
Another excel has column " Name"
Now i need to coampare two two columns and remove the matched data in second sheet
I have two excel file,
One excel, there is an column with " Itemname"
Another excel has column " Name"
Now i need to coampare two two columns and remove the matched data in second sheet
Use the below linq queries
Datatable1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) Not Datatable2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(y) y(“Itemname”).toString = x(“Name”).toString)).CopyToDataTable
Hope it helps!!
Can you try with this LINQ expression
DT_2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) not DT_1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r2) r2("Itemname").ToString=r("Name").ToString)).CopyToDataTable.DefaultView.ToTable(False,{"Column1","Column2","Column3"})
firstsheet.xlsx (8.9 KB)
secondsheet.xlsx (120.0 KB)
that corresponds to “Itemname” and the column name in dtSecondFile
that corresponds to “Name”. Note down these column names.dtFiltered
.dtSecondFile.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) Not dtFirstFile.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(x) x(“Itemname”).ToString() = row(“Name”).ToString())).CopyToDataTable()
DataTable to a new Excel file.Hope it helps!!
Hi Gokul,
I tried the mentioned query, but error coming, I have shared you the files can you chcek on that please and help me
Hi Pravalika,
There is no common column names,
Just i need to compare the column which i specified.
If matches needs to remove the entire rows in second sheet
Can you please have a look in shared excel
Use the below workflow @Sachin_Sunny
Then use the linq querey below
Datatable1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) not Datatable2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(y) y(“Name”).toString = x(“Item Name”).toString)).CopyToDataTable
Hope it helps!!
the aboive logic is deleting in first sheet
I want to delete the matched data in second sheet
Make it like this.
Datatable2.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) not Datatable1.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(y) y(“Name”).toString = x(“Item Name”).toString)).CopyToDataTable
Take an assign activity in Save to give the Datatable2 in the value give the above linq querey
Can you please send an xaml please. when i use the above emntioned string it is promping as name doesnt find in the table.
Can you send me the xaml it helps for me
Than you @Sachin_Sunny. If you get the solution for your query. Make Mark as Solution to close the loop.
Hi sir,
One small question now we did delete the rows in second excel right.
Now i need to compare both the column and put the result which are equal in new excel.
Can you send me the linq query please?
Take an assign activity create a new Datatable variable like Datatable3. In the value give the below one.
Datatable1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(x) Datatable2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(y) y(“Candidates”).toString = x(“Names”).toString)).CopyToDataTable
Hope it helps!!
I have on e excel as follows:
I have another excel sheet as follows:
if item name= name then the output should be as follows:
Can you please help on thi s ?
It was filtering the data perfectly. In table1 the Item name and table2 name the Maths only same. That’s why it was writing the one row only. @Sachin_Sunny
Its an new question sir,
I need the output in that way
I need matched data of two sheets side by side in different excel
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