I have two excel files i.e. two data tables
- One data table contains "Employee " Column & Second data table also contains "Employee " Column
Now the scenario is i have to check the first data table column
(employee name) is present or not in second data table?
Thanks in advance
(Veeraraj Sethuraman)
Hi try this example , from other thread
Before comparing ensure the following,
- No. of Rows in dt1 and dt2 should be equal.
- Column names should be in sync. If not, please update the column names accordingly.
Use this linq to compare,
unmatchedDt = If((From table2 In dt2.AsEnumerable() Where Not dt1.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(f) f.Field(Of String)(“Column1”) = table2.Field(Of String)(“Column1”) AndAlso f.Field(Of String)(“Column2”) = table2.Field(Of String)(“Column2”)) Select table2).Count=0, New datatable, (From table2 In dt2.AsEnumerable() Where Not dt1.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(f) f.Field(Of String)(“Column1”) = table2.Field(Of String)(“Column1”) AndAlso f.Field(Of String)(“Column2”) = table2.Field(Of String)(“Column2”)) Select table2).CopyToDataTable)
If (unmatchedDt.Rows.Count=0), Then {Match} Else {Unmatch}
Please refer this xaml for more details.
datatable compare.xaml (12.2 KB)