Compare & refer data between 2 sheets

Hi all,

I have 2 sheets in one excel file. I want to check & compare string the first column ( A Column ) of 2 sheets… If the string is same, then it will refer and copy value from B column or Sheet1 into the B Column of Sheet2.

I have made XAML file as attached but don’t know how to do continuously. Main.xaml (11.5 KB)

The excel file as attached Compare&Copy.xlsx (8.9 KB)

Thanks you!

Hello @trunghai,

Kindly refer below links,


Hi @Pankaj.Patil

I have checked this link before but it not exactly with my case.

Hi @Pankaj.Patil

could you pls kindly do XAML file on my file ?

thank in advance!

Hello @trunghai,

sorry for delay, was bit busy :frowning:.

Please find below files, you can see my output in excel.

Compare&Copy.xlsx (9.4 KB)
Main.xaml (16.5 KB)

Kindly keep us posted if you stuck :slight_smile:


Hi @Pankaj.Patil

Sorry for late reply.

Thanks you so much, but I have checked on my excel and saw the result run not correct.

Because the items in first column " A " of two sheets are arranged messy and not same… The “B” Col number will be assigned base information of " Code " at “A” Col.

Pls check as below.

Hello @trunghai,

you mean that Code column of sheet1 should be compared with code column of sheet2. then write quantity in Quantity column of sheet2.


Hi @Pankaj.Patil

Yes, it will copy Quantity from Sheet1 into Sheet2 base on Code are same.

Hi @Pankaj.Patil

Do you have solution for this?

Thanks you!

Hello @trunghai,

Sorry again for delay, really busy with work. not getting much time to look forum’s query.

Now, attached file is working fine as per suggestion, you can see my output in xlsx.
Compare&Copy.xlsx (9.3 KB)
CompareTwoColumns.xaml (35.0 KB)

kindly keep us posted if you stuck :slight_smile:


Hi @Pankaj.Patil

Thanks you so much. The result is correct ^^.

Sorry for disturb to you. If you have time, pls kindly check in case compare and push data between Excel and PPT file as below link :

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