Hi @amithvs,
I have been working on providing you my observations to the question you asked here : Invoke Python Method: Pipe is broken - #19 by amithvs
I have a workaround to achieve what you want, but it is a workaround without using Python Scope or Invoke PowerShell. I am testing out my solution. More on it in that thread soon.
For the above API link, I did not know the API was down. Looks like a random Azure Function bug which has rendered my function unstable. Read more here : Random "The service is unavailable." and "Azure Functions runtime is unreachable" errors · Issue #8583 · Azure/azure-functions-host · GitHub
I can update here when the function is up and running again. Use it for only development purposes, I have a set monthly budget on the app service. After which the API will be stopped.