Compare a list of mails, using subjects with list of subjects stored in list of string

Hey all,

I want to compare a list of mails, using subjects with list of subjects stored in list of string.
I tried using a LINQ something like this - listMailMessage.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(mail) listSubjects.AsEnumerable().Where( Function(x) mail.Subject.ToString.ToLower.Trim.Contains(x.ToString.ToLower)) ).ToList

but this doesn’t work and gives error. - value of type enumrable(string) cannot be converted to Boolean.
Any help is appreciated.

(from m in listMailMessage
Let chk = listSubjects.Any( Function(x) m.Subject.ToString.ToLower.Trim.Contains(x.ToString.ToLower))
Where chk
Select v= m).ToList

Hi @Karan_Zaveri ,

Try this:

listMailMessage.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(mail) listSubjects.Any(Function(x) mail.Subject.ToString.ToLower.Trim.Contains(x.ToString.ToLower))).ToList



thank you for your response, but it had an end of expression is expected error.

thanks for the response, it worked.

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