Combining Datarows based on Unique Columns

Hello all,

I need help to transform Datatable 1 to Datatable 2. It would be good if we have linq solutions to this and cater for any number of columns. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Datatable 1:

Datatable 2:


give a try on following prototype

assumptions: Group By by Country, Property, Month
to combine all other cols after Month


(From d In dtData.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).toString,k2=d(1).toString,k3=d(2).toString Into grp=Group
Let cs = Enumerable.Range(3, dtData.Columns.Count - 3)
Let cvl = cs.Select(Function (x) grp.Select(Function (i) i(x)).toArray)
Let cvc = cvl.Select(Function (v) String.Join(",", v.Where(Function (e) Not (IsNothing(e) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.toString)))))
Let ra = (New Object(){k1,k2,k3}).Concat(cvc).ToArray
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
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You are amazing. Thank you so much!


Here is the updated linq expression.
It is similar to the one provided by @ppr. I have removed enumerating over Column range and added actual columns itself.

(From d In TestDT.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).toString.Trim,k2=d(1).toString.Trim,k3=d(2).toString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let upArr=TestDt.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn).skip(3).Select(Function (col) String.Join(",", grp.Select(Function (x) x(col.ColumnName)))).ToList
Let ra = (New Object(){k1,k2,k3}).Concat(upArr).ToArray
Select ResDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

you will get e.g. for the B Group
",,,,,," for Column Expense: Loyali… Right?

Ooh yes. I prepared this linq without empty cells in my Datatable Variable :slight_smile:

How about below one

(From d In TestDT.AsEnumerable
Group d By k1=d(0).toString.Trim,k2=d(1).toString.Trim,k3=d(2).toString.Trim Into grp=Group
Let upArr=TestDt.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn).skip(3).Select(Function (col) String.Join(",", grp.Where(Function(x) Not(String.IsNullOrEmpty(x(col.ColumnName).tostring))).Select(Function (x) x(col.ColumnName)))).ToList
Let ra = (New Object(){k1,k2,k3}).Concat(upArr).ToArray
Select ResDT.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable

Hi Peter, what if i’ve got different months for the same Property?

By your current definition it will be a another Group


if it is needed differently then collect all requirements with new sample data and let us know

Hi Peter,

Thank you for the prompt response. The requirements would be like this.



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