Collection Migration from Postman to UiPath Studio


Could someone assist me with executing collections after they have been migrated from Postman? Once the activities are migrated to UiPath Studio using the Service Editor, the collections are transformed into activities. How can we send a JSON body through these activities? The fields appear to be different from those in the standard ‘HTTP Request’ activity.


Hello @aneesh111

The Activity card should contain the required inputs (parameters and body) as per defined in your .json-file from Postman.
Look for in-argument with type “body” in your json-file.


Hello @SorenB,

Thank you for your response.

I am migrating collections to UiPath Studio using the Postman API key, so I do not have access to the .json file of the collection from Postman. Could you please let me know where I should define the fields I need for the Activity card?


Best regards,

Hi @aneesh111

Unfortunately I dont have any experience in using Service Editor with a Postman API key.
I have tried setting it up right now and I can see what you mean in having limited options from the activity.
It seems the activity references the entire collection in stead of the individual endpoints/API queries.

As an alternative you could consider exporting the collection from Postman and loading the .json-file into the Service Editor.
I know that this breaks the live integration you would get from using the API key.


Thank you for your assistance!

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