Hello good morning, afternoon or evening.
I’m running my bot in debug mode and I’m getting the Close connection exception, I’m just looking at a value in SAP, so I don’t think I should get that error.
I have already checked all my code and reinstalled uipath but it keeps throwing the following error:
RemoteException wrapping System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Connection closed.) —> RemoteException wrapping System.IO.IOException: Connection closed.
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Connection.RemoteCall(Request request, Stream uploadStream, CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient1.<>c__DisplayClass21_1
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List1 cancellationTokens, Func
2 func, String message, Func2 exceptionHandler) at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient
1.<>c__DisplayClass21_11.<Invoke>b__2(Exception ex) at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List
1 cancellationTokens, Func2 func, String message, Func
2 exceptionHandler)
at UiPath.Executor.Debugger.Client.Services.RobotExecutorProxy.StartJobAsync(ExecutionStartOptionsSlim startOptions)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Connection.RemoteCall(Request request, Stream uploadStream, CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient1.<>c__DisplayClass21_1
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List1 cancellationTokens, Func
2 func, String message, Func2 exceptionHandler) at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient
1.<>c__DisplayClass21_11.<Invoke>b__2(Exception ex) at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List
1 cancellationTokens, Func2 func, String message, Func
2 exceptionHandler)
at UiPath.Executor.Debugger.Client.Services.RobotExecutorProxy.StartJobAsync(ExecutionStartOptionsSlim startOptions)
I’m using win 11, I don’t know if that is a problem.