Clicking Hyperlink in a Mail

I have an scenario where i get an email through outlook which has an ticket number in form of hyperlink -

for e.g. - Catalog Task - ABCDEF0123456

The format will be fixed , on clicking hyperlink it will go to ServiceNow portal . What will be approach to click that hyperlink . Regex will be required??

Hi @Pogboom

You can use the CurrentMail.Body and extract the body of the mail then use the regex expressions and extract the hyperlink and store the output of the regex in a variable and pass that variable into the use application / browser activity.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Pogboom ,

You can use following regex to extract the URL from mail body.



You can check this link : Download attachment from link based on latest email from outlook with the subject - #7 by aliaga

By using this it will be able to click on that ticket number ABCDE one??