Click on the dynamic link for each row

Hi All,

Below is the image where I need to click on each invoice Number for every row. All the Invoice# will be dynamic every time. The Table may span in multiple pages. for every supplier there will be a invoice# and the bot has to click on the Invoice#. How can I achieve this ?

Hi @marina.dutta ,
Thanks for reaching out to UiPath community.

You can try these steps,
Data Scraping: Use the Data Scraping wizard in UiPath to extract the entire table data. This will help in getting all the invoice numbers irrespective of the number of pages.
Use a Loop: Iterate through each row of the extracted table.
Click Action: Within the loop, use a Click activity to click on the invoice number. Since the invoice numbers might have different selectors, you can use a dynamic selector approach.



you can aslo use for each ui element activity

inside use click activity and in the properties pass the currentelement


The click is not working for me. I took for each Ui Element,

and then inside Do ,I did click activity. However, click is not working.

Hi @marina.dutta

Try changing the input method - Click Type from simulate to hardware events to check if the cursor moves to the particular uielement for clicking.

This might help you to figure out the solution.


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