Click on Link within EmailBody

I am getting an URL Link to Approve login of web portal.
I am using Outlook activity to get email and I am splitting email body also, I am able to get the link in log message too. Now just need to open that email and click on that word Approve.
See below. How can i open that email and click on Approve ? (URL Link behind Approve word)

Let me know if further information required.

You don’t click the link. You use Use Application/Browser and give it the URL as a variable.

Can you explain little more, how can i get it in variable ?

Use to use read the mail and then use Regex in oder to get the link
then use navigate lin activity to go to the link

You have it in a Log Message, so you already have it in a variable.

Have you done the free UiPath training on their web site? It teaches basics like this.

Ok, Thanks will see.


pass the url extracted here. And use indicate to indicate the browser after you manually open for the first time

please go through . You will get some basic idea


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I’ve tried but somehow it is not working correctly for me , I have to go in email and click on that link.

By url open in new browser is giving this.

Can someone help here ?


That url purpose might be different I believe hence you are seeing this issue.


I don’t understand sir. What you are trying to say as different purpose ?


From the image i can see that its a approve and deny button that is embedded into outlook mail. It is not a URL that you can open from browser but it needs more parameters from outlook directly

Or it is some approval mail for a site and the site is blocking the bot to open because it identified that no human has approved it.

Try start process instead might work

Pass the chrome.exe file as Filepath and in arguments try passing the URL that might be a workaround


Hi Anil,

You understand correctly. There is a button to click on it . (Button is for login Approve or Deny).
So Is there any way that I can go in that particular email and click the “Approve” Word ?

Can you provide example of what you are trying to say here ?

Thanks For All Your Help.


In get email change select isbodyhtml then save the body of email using write text file as a .html file. Use open browser and pass the file you saved in the url field. Then on the opened page… you will see approved button…use click activity to click it


I used get mail activity inside Office 365 Scope.
Giving this error.

Also /If I saved it in html file it gives this :


Dont use get mail in office 365 unless you have the appropriate details . Use get mail from outlook or smtp which ever you have access to.are you able to get the element for approve after saving? If not then then you have to add the url that you are getting in this string approve then you will find it as button . Then it can be clicked


Use uipath.mail activities