Click activity is working only in debug(stepin) mode and not working in run & debug file mode
Have tried delay, wait for ready option, simulate options, same selector working for find element activity.
Not getting any error also
Click activity is working only in debug(stepin) mode and not working in run & debug file mode
Have tried delay, wait for ready option, simulate options, same selector working for find element activity.
Not getting any error also
Hey @Manuthejusui,
It might be working but not performing the click at the required place for which it is configured. In the debug ribbon there is an option called highligh just enable it and run you process in the debug mode and check it is performing the click where.
Yes as i said if we debug step vice it will work, but if we run in signal flow its not working correctly
Hey @Manuthejusui,
Is this the web automation, if you are doing the step in means you are providing the delay to get that element loaded.
Just mark that click activity wait for ready completed, else you can put some hardcoded delay(anyway it’s is not recommended bbut sometime we do not have any options)
Both methods tried same issue
Have you tried Element Exists activity to check whether that element is actually present or not.
Hey! Welcome to community!
Have you provided the following Inputs in the properties panel? If not try to add the below options in the properties panel.
Provide this and let me know
Yes, in element exist it is giving the value true
Hi Nani,
Still same issue
Can you provide the snap of the selector and also the properties of that activity.
I missed one more option WaitForReady - Interactive
try to add Activate activity before the click or/and try to replace single click by Double click activity
or try to click in any text then click the button you want
It’s not working