I have DataTable DT.
I want to check every row in DT in column Channel if blank and Column AreaNameSales = RL , I want update column Channel to RL23.
Please guide me about it (LINQ).
I have DataTable DT.
I want to check every row in DT in column Channel if blank and Column AreaNameSales = RL , I want update column Channel to RL23.
Please guide me about it (LINQ).
@fairymemay you can go through the link it will help you to achieve
test12.xaml (8.5 KB)
use invoke code with this
dt.Select("[AreaNameSales] ='RL' AND [Channel] is null ").ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row("Channel")="RL23")
invoke code arguments:
@jack.chan Error as below.
can you upload the xaml and excel file
@jack.chan File input as below.
InputFile - Copy.xlsx (7.0 MB)
File .xaml as below.
Sequence11.xaml (52.6 KB)
use this
Sequence11.xaml (52.5 KB)
dt.Select("Convert([AreaNameSales],System.String) ='RL' AND [Channel] is null ").ToList().ForEach(Sub(row) row("Channel")="RL23")
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