im curious how i can check if a ui element contains something or not.
I have (on a Plattform) a search engine for suppliers.
there 2 cases:
1.) i find a supplier → then i click the supplier with “click activity” (works fine)
2.) i dont find a supplier → then it shows me nothing, like this (attached picture do below)
For Find Text Position. How do i check it in the Flow Decision activity if it contains the text
like this?–> uielement.contains(“message”)=true does it work
and for Text Exists:
like this?–> boolvar = true (boolvar is the output of text exists activity)
Hi @blend
Fine we can use data scrapping option from design menu buddy
–data scrape the whole table and get the output as a variable of type datatable named ExtractedDatatable
–use a if condition like this ExtractedDatatable.Rows.Count>0
if this condition gets passed it means there is record in it and will go to the THEN part of if condition where you can go ahead with your activities you want
it will go to the ELSE part of if condition where you can leave it blank or include any activity if no data is found
Kindly try this and let know buddy
Cheers @blend