Check if the grouping has multiple items in excel

Hello Everyone

I have a question, I need to put a comment for each record, the groupings are (Name, Age, and Company should be the same) if not, single record or okay, if yes, it will check the Item if it has multiple item, if yes, exception, if not, okay or continue. Anyone can please help me? Thanks

Name Age Company Item Comment
James 25 Company A 111 Exception. Multiple Items
James 25 Company A 123 Exception. Multiple Items
James 25 Company B 1 Okay
Roma 25 Company B 143 Okay
Roma 25 Company B 143 Okay

This we can do in for loop , but thinking of any other way to get it done faster
For for loop:-
First get the distinct values from your excel and loop through the distinct value
inside loop , again use loop for the main table and check for Name, Age, Company is same or not
IF same again check for item is same or not


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Hello @shanmukh_pothamsetty would be able to provide a sample? I also forgot that the Bot will only check for if the record has multiple items if the Item contains ‘111’ value. Thanks

Name Age Company Item Comment
James 25 Company A 111 Exception. Multiple Items
James 25 Company A 123 Exception. Multiple Items
James 25 Company B 1 Okay
Roma 25 Company B 143 Okay
Roma 25 Company B 143 Okay
James 25 Company A 222 Okay
James 25 Company A 221 Okay

Yeah i will share the xaml , working on it

Thanks mate! Appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Hi @shanmukh_pothamsetty how are you? Would you be able to create a sample? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Yesterday Got occupied with some work, will do that today



uploaded the xaml,

info.xlsx (9.6 KB) Main.xaml (17.9 KB)



Thank you for this @shanmukh_pothamsetty!! You are awesome!

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