Check Data table contains one values more times

Please consider above the excel is data table, I need to check only above mentioned File is contains two times in the “Sort Title column Action” column. If it is there need to send Business exception mail.

Note: Only check contains Two ore more times in “Excel spreadsheet
Master BOT and President Approval List” This values contains two times Not for other Values

Read the Sheet …Output : DT
Take if condition …
in the condition : DT.Asenumerable.Count(Function(r) r(0).Tostring.Trim.equals(“Excel spreadsheet
Master BOT and President Approval List” ))=2

Then : Throw Error by using Throw Activity
Else : Further Steps

Hi @sankar.mayilsamy

You can try with Filter Data table activity

Check out the XAML file

ColumnValuesContainsTwo.xaml (3.7 KB)



Inside the Xmal is Empty, Please share correct Xmal one.

Sorry @sankar.mayilsamy

Can you check out this XAML file

ColumnValuesContainsTwo.xaml (7.9 KB)


Thank you…