Hi, I would like to check if a specific cell in excel is empty. For example, row 1/column A.
And then I want to write in that cell the value from another specific cell, for example row 5/column A.
Thanks !
Hi, I would like to check if a specific cell in excel is empty. For example, row 1/column A.
And then I want to write in that cell the value from another specific cell, for example row 5/column A.
Thanks !
Hi @Jad_Bennis,
Use Read Range activity to read the data from excel file and will give you output as DataTable and say ‘DT’. And then check below condition.
IF DT.Rows.Count > 0
Then it has data
Else no data
you add another specific cell data to columnA
Refer this link- Check for empty excel file - #3 by Veselin_Ganchev
Hope this will helps,if it works mark as solution.
You can use excel read cell or workbook read cell
Read value, check with its length like
If length > 0 then we have data else its empty