I have condition dt_input.Rows.Count > 0
If have data I want continue step.
else don’t have data I want to end process and go back to main process.
Thank you
I have condition dt_input.Rows.Count > 0
If have data I want continue step.
else don’t have data I want to end process and go back to main process.
Thank you
what was the issue you are facing with the above expression
@Shiva_Nikhil No I don’t issue about expression
But I have confuse in box if , else
If = I want to continue step in process
else = end sub proccess and go to main process
Use a flow desicion box and condition as dt_input.rows.count>0
true section use sub process and in the false side indicate it to main process
Hi @fairymemay
Use an If condition and give the below condition,
- Condition -> dt_input.Rows.Count > 0
→ In Then block insert the activities to continue the steps.
→ In Else block Take an assign activity and create a Boolean datatype variable called Bool_Check. and assign as True.
- Assign -> Bool_Check = True.
Pass the variable to the outside of workflow by set the direction as output as argument.
→ Then take flow decision activity and pass the Bool_Check variable. If it is True then connect the True connection to Main workflow to start from Main.
Hope you understand!!
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