Charitable Donation and Gift Cards for Reviewing UiPath

Forwarded the approval email from Trust Radius @Dana_Mustatea :slight_smile:

My review @Dana_Mustatea

Please and resolve .

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I received a $20 prepaid visa card. Thanks a lot UiPath Family. :heart_eyes:


@Dana_Mustatea, I’ve sent my 4 emails to you (starting 8 days ago), but haven’t heard anything back. Should I just wait longer?


please tell me your email address. cheers!

Hi there, I need your email address please.

@Dana_Mustatea, sent a private message :slight_smile:

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Mail id :

@Dana_Mustatea How many times do I need to send mail for the gift card? It’s really awful to write / forward the same mail everyone. That also more than 15 times. I had never expected such presence of UiPath for their user. The other part is the ignorance of the mail which was sent by me for the gift coupon.

Hi there, as I already mentioned in my previous emails, I need you to send me the link to the approved review. Also, please take note that all your emails went in my spam folder, and that caused a delay. Please send me via email the link to your approved review. Thanks!

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Link is already sent long back @Dana_Mustatea . Please check the mail.

@namratayadav The same scenario happend with me and my other colleague . We never get reply from @Dana_Mustatea even we reached her multiple times. Seems this gift card option was either was good for nothing or it was just the way to get the more reviews. Here is the few list which I sent to Dana.

Dana please do check such mails and issue the card if it was the true campaign by UiPath. Else you are doing great by no response.


Hi there, as mentioned each time, all of your emails went in spam, the email domain you and you colleagues are using ( sent all the emails in spam. You can reach me here anytime, thanks for your understanding and for your patience.

Hi @Dana_Mustatea Could you please check mail from me which I sent yesterday only.

Hey I had the same issue . It was too late but I got the coupon from @dana_mustatea . Hope you will receive the card soon .

@namratayadav @Dana_Mustatea Till now I didn’t receive the voucher. After waiting for such a long time and writing multiple mails many times, even after spending my precious time for review realy harsh me.