Changing the Format into Percentage

Hi Forum, I have a datatable where a specific column contains Percentage data like(89.20%) after i writing it in excel sheet the green triangle appears , I don’t want that to be appeared,

So i used Format Cells (Modern Excel activity) to change the values type into percentage, but that activity is not consistent it is throwing error sometimes working fine,

Is there any datatype to store percentage values in a specific column?
or Is there any vbscript to change the format into percenatge of particular range in excel?
Kindly suggest any solution

Approach I have tried: (i) I have used both Generic,Object datatype of that column
(ii) I have tried vbscript = Range(“A:A”).Numberformat=“0.00%”

Both not working, still green triangle coming after writing in excel


What activity do you use to write the datatable into the sheet? If WriteRangeWorkbook, can t you try WriteDataTableToExcel activty as the following image?


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