Changing the Argument Name Should Change its name Wherever its being used


I’m not sure if this is possible or if there has been a discussion on the same. I didn’t find any related post here hence going forward with this suggestion.

Just like when you change a variable name in the variable panel, the variable’s name changes everywhere you’ve used it. Similarly, if that’s possible with the arguments, too, and if that gets implemented, it would save developers a lot of time.


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My gratitude was due, but better late than never. Thank you, UiPath team (@ovi @badita @loginerror and others I don’t know of), for bringing this feature into the 2019 version of UiPath Studio. :slight_smile:


Like variables change in argument’s name should reflect wherever the argument is used. It will be a handy to change the name of arguments.

Can you be more specific, I am not able to understand what exactly are you looking for.
May be you can go to argument section of the process and rename it as per your requirement.
the changes will reflect in the process and also in called process.

Hope I understood the question correctly if not please let us know

Pavan H


If it will do like that then there will be chance of name conflicts. Because, we are using arguments to interact with other workflows.

we are using variables to interact with in the workflow only. In my point of view, its not good to change in argument names.


This is already done.
If it doesn’t work for you in the version that should support it - please submit a bug report.

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