Change tenant name to error access UiPath Assisstant and UiPath orchestrator

Hi everyone,
I’m a newbie in UiPath field. I just changed the name of Tenant. After showing success information, I can not access into UiPath Assisstant and open Tenant on orchestrator. Please see the imagine below:

Can anyone help please, what is the issue here?

Hi @thuy2011ptit

Could you tell us the exact steps you took?

Also, can you access your tenant by going to it via the website?

Thank @Maciej Kuzmicz,
I did some steps like below:
Step1: Frist, I created a tenant “DefaultTenant” successfully
Step2: I praticed and run some jobs on that tenant
Step 3: I changed the name that tenant : form “DefaultTenant” into “DefaultTenantThuy” successfully
Step 4: After, I couldn’t access UiPath Assissant because “Orchestrator URL” changed, so I changed the name that tenant return the original name of that name: from “DefaultTenantThuy” into “DefaultTenant”
Step 5: I couldn’t accessed again UIPath Assisstant and UiPath orchestrator like the below imagine:


Hi you,
Today I’ve just accessed again this Tenant, it’s amazing, I can access both.
Thank you for your consideration!

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