I want to change the all the month name i.e jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,April,May and so on into 01/01/2022,02/01/2022,03/01/2022,04/01/2022,05/01/2022 and so on. how to write into excel file.
Thanks in advance
It quite confusing, Can you tell us more detail about your query @guptasweb ?
this is my input file
when i am entered the data the month name should be like this 01/01/2022 and so on
You can try this Date.ParseExact(YourMonth,“MMM”,System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo).ToString(“MM-dd-yyyy”)
With “YourMonth” var the month you wanted with char
Jan for January, Feb for february and so on
If i want to extract all the month name, then how to do it?
You do a read range of the first line of your excel file (A1 to L1)
For each value, you apply what i gave you earlier and you rewrite your transformed header in excel
HI @guptasweb
You can try with Write cell activity
for every month I should write DateTime.ParseExact(“Jan”,“MMM”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“MM-dd-yyyy”)
this query?
Finally I got the solution,I have used switch activity for this.
Which solution work for you ?
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