Hi ,
Can any one help me
I created a variable in input dialog box phonenumber to int (32)
but while running its giving me an error.
want to change from int(32) to int(64)
Thank u.
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May I know what was the error we were getting
Yah we can change like this
Yourintegervariable is of type int32
Cheers @saritha
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not valid value for int (32)
trying to enter pnhone number which i declared the phno as int(32).
You mean like you want to enter that phone number in a field
If so we can mention them as a string in type into activity
Or if we want to store them in a variable of type long As mentioned earlier in the previous comment
Cheers @saritha
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Thank u.
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thank u
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Thank u Palaniyappan.
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