Change data variation from Test Manager


I’m developing a POC for my client to convince him to use Test Suite to test robots and applications.
Actually, i finished a data driven test case which create orders in SAP.

My problem is that i can change the data variation when i run the bot from studio but i don’t find where my client can change this data variation from test manager …

Did you have any idea ?
Thank you

At the moment, all variations will be run when you start it from Orchestrator or Test Manager.
You can change this, by updating the generated json file from the project, and run everything via a CICD pipeline (download source code, create package, run test).

Hello @Horea_Soanca ,

Thank you for your solution.

is there other easier solutions for my client to change data variation directly from Test Manager?

Thank you


Not at this moment, unfortunately.
Features will be added for this in the upcoming releases.


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