Catching UI Error (Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action)?

Hi and Good day to everyone.

Asking a little guidance here on how to catch this type of error?
Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action.

I already tried some and it seems not going in the catch clause :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Any help and advice is much appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance :grinning:


The system.exception will catch all the exceptions…

If we need specific exception go to browse for types… and choose SelectorNotFoundException (This will catch the selector kind of exceptions…)



Unfortunately it didn’t still went to the catch

Will the try-catch still work if the try-catch block is from another activity calling another activity that has the error?

Like below sequence:

MainSequence>Try-Catch>Invoke 2nd Sequence>Click Activity(this is where the error is happening)

Or the Try-Catch must be in the same activity like this?
Like below sequence:

Try-Catch>Click Activity(this is where the error is happening)


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