Capture and Pdf Automation

Need an suggestion

Bot need to capture the decision date on the above image and need to create a folder with the same captured decision date and need to download the pdf from that decision date and need to save into the decision date folder.

please help me anyone if you can.


  1. Read image file.
  2. Use OCR to extract decision date.
  3. Create a folder with the extracted decision date.
  4. Download the PDF file associated with the decision date.
  5. Move the downloaded PDF file to the folder created in step 3.

you can do this way also:

This is TestData.pdf which i made from your references

1.Here you have to select your PDF File
2.after selecting file open property and give output variable, here i have give out_Text

Assign-> output: out_Text.Split("Decision date:")(1).Trim.Split("|")(0).Trim

Thank you,