Captcha automation problem?

Hi all! I have a problem. I need to login on a web page with user credentials (From excel) and CAPTCHA extract with UiPath screen OCR and submit the webpage then going to next web page then some data extracting to my excel…but some times OCR extracting wrong captcha and stop the automation…This case i need to write cell in excel sheet “Wrong data” and continues the next user credentials process …
please solve my issue if wrong captcha submitting…


Welcome to the UiPath Community :tada:

How you are reading the excel data in first place? is it through For each Excel Row or Read Range to DataTable?

Ashok :slight_smile:


Welcome to the community

I hope you are using. Loop …inside loop use a try catch so that when there is error you would have catch to catch it and in catch you can erite the status as you need


For each excel Row

both using