While learning the UiPath as a new comer, I came across the time error in invoking the Notepad. The test is pretty simple, i.e., open the Notepad using the “use Application/Browser” activity.
What I found is:
when the notepad is invoked using “use Application/Browser” activity, there are two notepad instances invoked at the same time while when it’s invoked manually, there’s only one.
There’s no problem with a browser for the same test.
I tested with property options set to “Hardware Event”, “Single Window”, both “Always” and “IfNotOpen”. I also tried by setting the exact path of the notepad.exe, but no progress.
At first both the file name have same name so, open application activity can’t able to find which one need to be opened. So, Using other Properties of the file you can go-ahead open the file.
E.g - Size, Modified Date etc.
Here i have found the file using the “Date Modified” Properties since the file name are same.
[Note: Can find/able to access many properties of file operation]
→ Set the “Open” property of the Use Application/Browser activity to “IfNotOpen” . This will prevent UiPath from creating a new process if there is already an instance of the application running.
→ Set the application path to notepad.exe
Thank you for your guide. But the issue is still persistent even with application path set to the actual path of the applications and windows open option set to “IfNotOpen”. I’m still wondering why there are two instances of the Notepad when it’s invoked by the UiPath.
I did further testing and found that only one instance of notepad is invoked on another laptop and there’s no problem occurred in this case. On the problematic laptop where there are two instances of notepad are invoked at the same time, as soon as I kill one of notepad instance, it starts working very well. I believe there must be a device setting behind this issue, which I didn’t find it yet. Do you have any clue?
Please check the installed version of “Notepad” on that device first
If you are sure there is only 1 version installed, try running again. At this point, make sure your tasks have been cleaned up before running. you can be sure by “Kill process” with “Notepad”
If the problem still exists, I will find out more for you