I would like to install some packages for my UiPath Studio processes.
With Windows compatibility I am not able to install several packages like UiPath.SAP.BAPI.Activities
I know for a new process I can downgrade to the Windows Legacy compatibility.
But when I try to do that at the bottom of my project.json file my whole development crashes with an error code.
All I want to do is install some packages with the Windows compatibility - also because UiPath Studio tells me that the Windows Legacy version is not much longer available in the future.
Can someone plese tell me how to successfully install packages for existing Windows compatibility projects (without Windows Legacy) and / or maybe how to downgrade Windows compatibility to Windows Legacy compatibily?
If you wish to develop SAP integrations in a Windows project, please consider alternative SAP packages (not knowing your particular use case, it is difficult to call out exact ones, but please have a look at the list of official activity packages or consider Integration Service)
That being said, while it will no longer be possible to create new Windows-Legacy project in a future version of Studio, we plan on still allowing the maintenance of existing projects. Also, Robots will continue maintaining backward compatibility for existing packages. Therefore, please consider the possibility that this particular existing project may no need to be migrated to Windows for the time being (maintenance will still be possible)
@LevKushnir is it planned to have the package available for windows format projects? Whats you’re advice we should do for new projects that need to call SAP BAPIs?
The SAPBAPI Activities are based on SAPNCo library. This library is not .NET Core ready. So we cannot use it for Modern Projects (.NET Core). We simply cannot upgrade our Activity Pack.
We raised this issue with SAP. At the same time we raised a FR, along with other prominent companies. Please do not expect a solution before 23.10. Next update will be 2023 Q3.
The deprecation of SAP Legacy projects has been postponed and they will work beyond 2023.4. There is no end of life for legacy yet!
Please use legacy projects if you need to integrate with SAP systems by using the SAP BAPI Activity Pack.
Link was shared above.
The request has so far accumulated 73 votes.
Latest message from SAP is (May 2nd 2024)
I guess you all know that we cannot commit any dates/content for shipments. This is considered a side commitment to you as customers and in general forbidden by SAP policies. But you can be sure that we’d like to get this topic from the table as soon as possible …
Hi @LevKushnir Any timeline when this feature will be available in UiPath. We are having ongoing SAP activities and lot of robots are consuming SAP BAPI activities. So would be nice if we receive an update on this?