Cant install packages, when creating process with compatibility windows in studio 2021.10.3

I have just made done a process in the compatibility windows mode in studio 2021.10.3, but when I try to install it on a mashine to run it i get a “Failed to install package”,


Do any one know how to solve this?

Hi @Allan_Ask,

What package are trying to install?


I published the “Demo” to orchestrator, and added the process “Demo” to my folder. My demo is just opning an Application and closing it again, works fine on Studio.

Failed to install package ‘Demo.1.0.1’

at UiPath.Service.Core.ProjectInstaller.InstallCore(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Core.NetWindowsProjectInstaller.InstallCore(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Core.Utils.RobotTelemetryExtensions.WithTelemetry[TResult](IRobotTelemetryClient container, Func1 internalFunc, RobotTelemetryOperationBase telemetryOperation, Action1 telemetryArgsFunc)
at UiPath.Service.Core.ProjectInstaller.InstallWithTelemetry(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Core.ProjectInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.Service.Core.ProjectInstaller.Install(InstallProjectCommand installCommand)
at UiPath.Service.Core.PackageService.InstallProcess(PublishedProcess process, ImpersonableIdentity identity, IRobot robot, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.InstallPackage(ImpersonableIdentity identity, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.PrepareForExecution(ImpersonableIdentity identity, CancellationToken ct)
at UiPath.Service.Job.StartAsync(IUserCredential credential)

When are getting this error? While publishing or running the process in Orchestrator?

When trying to install the current version in the assistent on my mashine. And when trying to start the process from the assistiens or Orchestrator


Could it be that I have to install .NET 5.0 manualy on my mashines?
Windows (.net5.0 or higher)

I wrote UiPath support, and they meant it was the signing of the packed.
After there reply it worked, and I made no changes.

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