Can't get the value from UiElement

Can’t get the value from UiElement. I used all attribute for trying to get the value.But it’s not working fine. Because multiple elements is in same selector. Please give me a solution for getting the particular UiElement value from browser.

Hi @Iswarya.G,
Have you used the UI Explorer functionality?

Yes. I used UI Explorer functionality for edit the selectors. But it’s not working fine.

I think you want to extract particular value for the element scope. If you can’t able to find the selector for particular value in that scope, please extract entire value in that scope and do string manipulation to retrieve your required data.


I need to check Following button exist or not in Twitter. If Following exist, then No action needed. Following not exist, then Click the follow button. I used element exist Activity to check Following Exist or Not. But it check both following and Follow button. That’s the problem I faced. I used alternate way to get the attribute name and check the aaname. It contains the string “following” or not. But In twitter, return the attribute value as Following, when Follow is there.


Try by using Get Visible Text and check the text following or Follow, based on that you take decision.
You also try by using Inner Text attribute in Get Attribute Activity.


Already I tried through Get Visible Text, Get Attribute and Get OCR text activity. But I can’t get the perfect result. Because the twitter page contains more than one follow Button.

In the uiexplorer there is a column to the left where you can check in visual tree selector is button and then select the selector which will say button in the tag attribute.

Let us know if this helps.
Pavan H