Can't extract specific string from excel cell

If the cell contains all of that, then I do think regex is your best bet over splitting the string or using substring. I can’t see what you tried for your Regex though?

This regex pattern should work: (?<=^Entrevistado: )[a-zA-Z.\- ]+
Assumptions: Names can only include lower case letters, upper case letters, periods, hyphens, and spaces. The string is contained on multiple lines.

First, go into Imports tab and add System.Text.RegularExpressions
Then update your assign activity so NomeCandidato = Regex.Match(Cell,"(?<=^Entrevistado: )[a-zA-Z.\- ]+",RegexOptions.Multiline).Value

That should pull out the name

EDIT: I see you asked the same/similar question here: Help - Trouble Selecting only certain information from an Excel cell

Based on the picture of the excel spreadsheet you posted, it looks like the problem is not with the Regex solution, but instead with your ‘Cell’ variable you are assigning. You are taking the 1st column (column A) with row.item(0).ToString. Instead, you should be taking the 8th column (column H) which is row.item(7).ToString. Alternatively, instead of using the index of 7 you can use the column name instead. I can’t read the whole thing but it is row.item("YourColumnName").ToString