Cannot Use Should Stop Activity

Hi, I have this issue that I try to add Should Stop activity and whenever I do I get this message:


If I delete the activity and input it again the number after underscore changes - message ends with: “… Key: ShouldStop_2”, then “…_3”, etc.

Activity is put in Trigger in one of the states.

It looks like it’s Studio Issue. Can you add this as a bug?

Here is a screenshot of Trigger:

What happens if you do it outside a transition trigger? Maybe it’s a bug specific to transitions.

Also if you’re trying to report something as a bug then you should make the post Feedback not Help.

Outside of Trigger it works.

Can this post be moved to feedback?


The implementation itself look swronf as how can the trigger be should stop?

Trigger needs something like a trigger activity should stop is not a trigger activity …output of it is


Anything can be a Trigger activity. You can even have an entire process in the Trigger. The point is the Trigger code executes until the condition is met.


isn’t this the trigger in state machine.sorry if I am mistaken…if that is so…then I believe it would not


Yes it’s in the trigger of a state machine transition. You can put anything in there. It’s not like Retry Scope or whatever where you just use a single activity that returns true/false.