Cannot use correctly "use browser" resource

hey fellow RPa’s, need some help to figure out what i am doing wrong.
when i first used the “use browser” resource, for the unicorn exercise, it worked fine. i was then able to use additional activities and define target and anchor. the browser url was visible as well.

i started i new project and needed to use the same resource, but unfortunately cannot do the same anymore, the browser url is no longer visible as i expected, and cannot define target or anchor in the browser window for additional activities. the difference is obvious as the browser url no longer appears, but the application path field and the application arguments field.

can someone help me out with this?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @susana.vieira,

When selecting use browser/application resource in indicate application area you first need to indicate the browser that you will use, so in order to do this you need to have that browser open at the url you want to use in your exercise.
Then when you want to use actions like ‘click’ and you need to indicate target on screen, if the browser with the url is not promted when clicking indicate on the screen, you can use ‘ALT+TAB’ keys shortcut to switch widows apps opened.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post. I do know that i need to have the url open prior to using it in studio x. When i indicate the use browser resource it does open in that url, and it is signaled in blue, but it won’t recognize it, however i cannot complete the action as intended. the add-in is installed for the browserr. I have no doubts i must be doing something wrong, but not being able to figure out what is extremely frustrating…