Cannot run more than 2 robots for one job


I am trying to run multiple robots for the same process at the same time. They all will pick up items from the same queue. However, whenever I run them together, only 2 of them will work (not specific ones) and the others will fail. What would be the issue of this?

Can you share more details on the errors you are getting?

I do not know as there is no logging on the failed job. All it said is that the job has been faulted

I think there is always details on the logs… maybe you are not looking in the right place.

Oh yes sorry found it. This is the error:
Info: Could not start executor. The requested resource is in use. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700AA)

RemoteException wrapping System.Exception: Could not start executor. The requested resource is in use. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700AA)

That error is usually when your server cant hold more connections, is this windows server or desktop windows? make sure you can connect more than 2 or 3 users to that server at the same time.


limit your users to run the jobs at same time, as you can’t handle at a time


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