Cannot load json key from Storage Bucket in GSuite Scope

Has anyone luck with loading service account json key file from Storage Bucket directly in Google Workspace Scope? This feature was added recently but it does not work for me.

Google Workspace activity v2.5.9

Example: (17.7 KB)

Did you get this working? I’m facing the same issue.

You need to have studio connected to orchestrator with correct tenant and folder. Then you can select Storage bucket from dropdown but it’s not possible to use variable. It was bug which I reported and it was fixed on 29th of April.
So if you have more tenants then you need to develop project in dev tenant, move all to the right folder on production tenant and select correct Storage bucket again.
This I also asked via ticket on Support. Unfortunately they answered me it won’t be able to use variables.

As I mentioned earlier, you can still manipulate connections using the “Package requirements” when creating a process in Orchestrator. However, the bindings that are used underneath cannot be employed as variables. While this design choice enhances design-time insight, such as displaying the connection and providing the file picker, using a variable would eliminate these functionalities. Additionally, variables could potentially be misplaced, and connection IDs might end up in projects run by users or robots without access to those IDs.

Thanks for the prompt answer.
The issue is that with windows-legacy projects you don’t have the option to select the storage bucket the dropdown, is there any workaround to get it working?