Cannot install a package to UiPath Assistant

Hi !

I have a issue with installing a package
I cannot install a package to UiPath Assistant and then it shows :
IAgentOperations.InstallProcess threw System.Exception: "Failed to install package UiPath

I’m not sure for the cause is a windows compatibility or not that I forgot to change at the first

i would appreciate if you could provide me with some suggestion


  1. Ensure the package you are trying to install is compatible with the version of UiPath Assistant and UiPath Studio you are using. Some packages may not work with older versions.

2.Make sure that UiPath Assistant is up to date, if not work then reinstall UiPath



Welcome back to UiPath forum

Open UiPath Assistant in admin mode and then try to install it

Cheers @Nattawadee_Srisai

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