Cannot get output in notepad

  1. I have input (notepad)
  2. Did read CSV and created a variable dt1 as datatable.
  3. Build datatable and named two columns as House and account (dt2 datatable)
  4. Did for each row in data table and and called dt1 as datatable and for each as CurrentRow
  5. Did assign change(arrey of strings)={account details} , note accountdetails is the output of an application (which is a service no)
  6. Did For Each loop (in which ForEach is item and In Change (array of string)
  7. In the Body added write line and declared item.tostring
    8.added assign account ( as mentioned in build data table)
    9.added data row and in ArrayRow added {CurrentRow(0).toString, account}
  8. Write CSV from dt2

In the output panel I see 2 service no but in output CSV I see 0 showing under account

Can anyone help me in getting the service no in notepad

Hi @dipon1112000

In the Add Data Row have you given the below way:

{CurrentRow(0).ToString, account}

In datatable you need to give dt2. Since Build Data Table output is dt2 and you are adding the rows to that datatable.

=>Pass that dt2 to Write CSV activity.


Yes I did

I am getting the account no in output also but output CSV has got 0 under account

I see in the output panel 0, then account no, then 1, and then another account no

I thought that both the account no will show up in output CSV but only the 0 is coming twice

Hi @dipon1112000

Could you please share the xaml file and notepad file then it will be helpful for us to sort the issue.


Could you share the input text file or the screenshot of that. Will help you with the code @dipon1112000


This the build datatable

This is the output from application

Here I am assigning output of application to arrey of string

Then in ForEach

Then did add data row

And passed it to cav

Output panel shows

Hi @dipon1112000

Follow the below process:
=> Use Read CSV acitivty to read the notepad and store it in an datatable.

=> Use Build Data Table activity and give below way:
Build Data Table
=> Use For Each row in datatable to iterate through dt1
=> Inside that use this in If condition

   Assign-> account= account_details(0)
   Assign-> account_details= account_details.Skip(1).ToArray()
End If

=> Use Add Data Row and pass the below syntax in ArrayRow

ArrayRow -> {CurrentRow(0).ToString, account}
DataTable -> dt2

=> Use Write CSV to write it back to otuput file


zip file:

In your process you have used For Each to loop through the array of strings right remove that and place if condition and pass the below syntaxes

   Assign-> account= account_details(0)
   Assign-> account_details= account_details.Skip(1).ToArray()
End If

This should solve your problem

Happy to help if difficulties faced.


What variable have u declared HouseNo and Account


House no and account are of Datatype System.String


Thank you very much god bless you sir

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It’s working but I am getting details twice

I fixed it thanks for your help :grinning:

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