Cannot find column 2 error

Hi, I have a problem with the test task that we were supposed to perform, we were supposed to create tables with fruits and their quantities first, then divide the fruits into small boxes and large boxes, I followed the steps below, but the program cannot find column 2, can anyone help me solve the problem?
I can only attached 2 screenshots, and cant upload a file… sorry

Hi @michal.pieper

Can you please share the expression written in your assign activity where it is erroring out and also the screenshot for the Error Output?


If you try to get item of the 2nd column, row(1) will work because column index is 0-based.
Can you check it?



As per screenshot we can see the column name is llosc and not column-2…please use the correct column name to access it

Or use the column index…for example if you want second column data use index as 1 as the column index starts from 0

You can use either the correct name or the index to access columns


I cannot post a ss, idk why, but the column name is “owoce”, and the UiPath cannot find a column-2, in these steps I have only 1 column, so idk what happened?


The column name you are using and the column you gave are different please use them
