Cannot Create Unkwon Type -xaml object writer exception

Hi Team,

I wanted to use the updated version as Pivot Table was not reflecting in my activities. So I uninstalled(2018.1.2 ver) and installed (2.4 ver). But it doesn’t work and shows list of errors and there were no errors in UIPath previous version. It was working smoothly. I have updated the latest packages. Still same issue. I have attached the snapshots. Again Installed the previous version and still it throws me the same error.Please help me as i want to solve this as soon as possible.

@Kajal Update all the packages

Hi Indra,

Thanks for the reply.I tried Still same issue. Is it that if the project build in lower version doesn’t support the updated version???

No it supports.
Just try once delete the Json file in project folder and run

Thanks Indra.Will try and update you.

Hi Indra, I tried Still same issue…I think Excel operations With dynamic selectors are not working properly…But I have installed Excel package…

@Kajal Can you attach your workflow

Hi Indra, I got the fixed there was problem in do-while loop. I dont know why it was not recognized. So I recreated the loop and issue got fixed.