The error indicating that you can directly assign the string value(jsonObj(“Parcel”)(“propertyAddress”).ToString.Trim) to ExcelValue(CurrentRow.ByField(“Address”))
So you can either change the to ExcelValue to string value by removing byfield(CurrentRow(“Address”)) or convert the string value to excel value as @Parvathy suggests
This issue comes due to the Different type of data types we are using to set a value to different types of data types, to solve this we need to convert that value or type cast the value to the same data type.
Supposed I have taken the String URL = "" if i try to allocate this to int data type it will not work but URL = "19191" has some number then it will going to work.
Use below code
CurrentRow.ByField("Address") = New UiPath.Excel.ExcelValue(jsonObj("Parcel")("propertyAddress").ToString().Trim())