Can we use User id type - System for execution of SAP transactions?

Can we run unattended bots with SAP user id type - System.
system type user id doesn’t have login password, but we can execute tasks in SAP.


System user − This user is used for background processing, communication within a system

So it is not suitable for SAP automation

Best regards, Lev

Hello @LevKushnir ,

I was curious to know more about the type of SAP Ids and their purposes. and found that there are 5 types of IDs. however in UiPath, we dont see any recommendation on what IDs to use. Please let me know if you are aware of any such link where UiPath recommends using specific SAP IDs.

As far as I have researched, 1) Dialog User is SAP is used when UiPath needs to mimic user actions by logging into SAP and navigating to all screens and performing the tasks.
2) System User is an ID that allows only background processing like a Batch user. And hence would suit requirements involving SAP integration using BAPIs or Function calls.
3) Service User is allowed for both UI and Background operations. tried and tested.
There are 2 more User ID types - 4) Communication User and 5) Reference User.

What I am curious is, though SAP and UiPath are partners, there is no mention of Type of User to use and the cost implication at SAP level for using it.

Any help on this would be vastly appreciated.

Santosh Sundar

HI @SantoshSundar

SAP User Types and their purpose are coming from SAP itself and therefore there are no dedicated recommendation from UiPath side. From SAP documentation it becomes obvious and clear.

You can find a full description here: SAP Help Portal

A quick summary with the focus on RPA world would be:

Dialog (A)

  • Individual system access (personalized)
  • It is possible to log on using SAP GUI. The user is therefore capable of interaction through SAP GUI.
  • Purpose: for individual human users (including Internet users),
  • Robotic Process Automation: suitable for Robots to perform the user activities , just like a user would.

System (B)

  • System-related and internal system processes.
  • It is not possible to log on using SAP GUI. The user is therefore incapable of interaction through SAP GUI.
  • Purpose: background processing and communication within a system (internal RFC calls) and between multiple systems (external RFC calls). Purpose: for example, RFC users for ALE, workflow, TMS, CUA.
  • Robotic Process Automation: Suitable for background processing, such as SAP BAPI

Communications (C)

  • Individual system access (personalized)
  • It is not possible to log on using SAP GUI. The user is therefore incapable of interaction through SAP GUI.
  • Purpose: external RFC calls of individual human users.
  • Robotic Process Automation: NOT suitable, as user has different purpose.

Service (S)

  • Shared system access for a larger, anonymous group of users. Assign only very restricted authorizations for this user type.
  • It is possible to log on using SAP GUI. The user is therefore capable of interaction through SAP GUI.
  • During a log on, the system does not check whether the password has expired or is initial.
  • Purpose: Anonymous system access (such as for public Web services). After an individual authentication, an anonymous session begun with a service user can be continued as a person-related session with a dialog user.
  • Robotic Process Automation: Suitable for Robots, but require some additional security measurements due to shared system access for a larger, anonymous group of users

Reference (L)

  • It is not possible to log on to the system.
  • User type for general, non person related users that allows the assignment of additional identical authorizations, such as for Internet users created with transaction SU01.
  • Robotic Process Automation: NOT suitable, as user has different purpose.


  • Dialog (A) and Service (S) user types can be used for purpose of UI Robotic Process Automation
  • System (B) user types can be used for purpose of API Robotic Process Automation
  • Communication (C) and Reference (L) user types are not suitable, as user has different purpose

License topic:
License should be discussed direct with SAP representative, as we are not allowed to give any guidance on 3rd party pricing and license agreements. It depends on your SAP contract and your SAP agreements.

Best regards, Lev


Hello @LevKushnir,

As always, your quick response is really appreciated. Thank you so much for the clear details on the User ID types. I can see the conclusion flowing towards the contractual obligations the Customer has made with the SAP determining the License types and the cost implications.

The conclusion is very clear. I’ll discuss further with Customers to understand what licenses and contracts they have with SAP.

Thank you so much again.

Santosh Sundar