Can we store multiple .Xaml files in a variable?

I have multiple .xaml files and i want to store them in a variable to further use it in For Each Loop
i want to update an Excel file after each xaml is processed.

I am thinking to use for each loop to loop through all xamls and update the file after each xaml/InvokeWorkflowFile

I don’t know if this is even possible…
somebody please help.


you can store the xaml file name and location as array of string and can loop through the array and pass the currentitem into invoke workflow

but remember that if you need to pass arguments to it then it might be difficult as for each workflow they might be different and we need to ensure to change those as well


Hi @Shadab_Baid1

You can use the For each file in a folder loop, Which will loop through all your xaml files for specific location & give you file name also by using CurrentFile.Name that you can record in a excel using excel activities.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Directory.GetFiles (@“C:\yourfolderpath”,“*.xaml”)

it helps you to store all paths which are with .xaml into the the array type strings

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