Can UiPath do API Testing?


Just want to know if UiPath can do API Testing ?


I believe it depends on what kind of testing do you have in mind.
Theoretically it is possible to use UiPath to make API calls as there is a package called UiPath.WebAPI.Activities that can be used to GET an API data

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Thank you @avejr748.

If I have an API endpoint URL and Request body, do you know what are the activities I can use to get the Response body ?


Yes you can get a response when you have a API end point URL and request body.
Below thread contains a sample you can download and run.

Request body would be present in a POST type of request, the activity shown in the video remains the same, it is called HTTP Request .


I used powershell to get Api from covid19

Hi @mzahid,

Thanks for the video, I watched it.
The video does not say about the Request Body.


Hi @AjitNayak,

You are right the video does not say about the request body, As the video demonstrates about a GET request not a POST request(which will have a request body)

From the video,
1.Instead of the GET you would need to select POST from the drop down.

  1. Then paste in your request body at the location(Body field) as shown in below screen

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Thank you @mzahid.

It worked.
First I stored the json request in a text file and read the file and passed the output of this to the Body.


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so in order to read the response which is in the json format, do i have to deserialize json first before i read ?


Yes that’s correct

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And later on if you wish to extract the parameters from the response , you can follow below video from my brother @AndersJensen .

If you choose to extract headers, from the response then below


Thank you, I will watch it.


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