Can the workflow analyzer be used externally?

I will use the workflow analyzer to create custom rules.
But as far as I know, this rule doesn’t seem to be enforced.
It seems to only work if you run the workflow analyzer within the studio.
So I want to automatically analyze the code created by the developer externally.
Is there a way to run the analyzer in the studio through an external application?


Welcome to the community

If you have ci cd pipelines build then workflow analyzer rules can be checked in your pipelines also…

But internally even that works on studio only

You can also run it using power sheel script here is a detailed explanation

Hope this helps


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We can run Workflow Analyzer via command line as the following document.


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Does it contain material explaining how to configure a ci/cd pipeline?
Is it possible to deploy from server to server?


If you want to go with cicd depending on what repos you have there are different ways


We are using gitlab as a repository.



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Whoever wrote the CLI is cruel though. The output is a ‘JSON’, but rather than using any array of objects, each object being a rule, they instead return dozens of JProperties which are not grouped at all, instead requiring you to parse a GUID out of each result to determine which rule it is related to. Its monsterous.

They really should add some updated support on this to run it natively in code aswell as with a better CLI result.

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