Can not install PDF activity

I’m using PDF activity in my PC.
To install uipath in client’s PC which can not access internet,
I installed uipath offline then copied all package files to below folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\Packages
including PDF activities file.

But in “Manage Packages” screen, I can not see PDF package at available,
although I uncheck “Filter Activities”.
I’ve activated Java Extensions.

Could you help me?

1.In manage package screen click on installed option and check whether its there or not?
2.Else please search “Read PDF Text” in activity panel to check its available or not?

  1. I checked installed option, but no PDF package.threre.
  2. though I search “Read PDF Text”, it’s not available.

can you see any packages installed in the below folder?

I can see all packages installed there except but PDF package.

Wow. So copy there too… Hope that solve the problem. :v:

It solved the problem.
Thank you for your support!!

in package manager,click available–all, then several packages are displayed. in that install Uipath.PDF.Activities.
