Can I put anchor by the value?

from the following three windows
only different part is the value.
how to click “SELL USD” button of value “2.12” which will be different per every calls ?

Explore the selectors (use UiExplorer) and see if there is any parameter that differentiates them(maybe an id or any other property). If not, use idx value if the position you want to click is fixed (ie second sell usd everytime), or if you know the value relative to click (2.12 here), make that as the anchor and make it dynamic with variables if required.

I know the value which is the input value.
then how to make the anchor dynamic?

Hi @mountie,

You can play around with the variables and selectors in the studio. Take the following as example:

I want to use the +2.03 as an Anchor. First I just indicate the element and had a look at the properties to identify which property has the +2.03 value. I figured it out that ‘aaname’ was one of them.

In studio, navigate to the properties and expand the Anchor selectors:

Make sure the targeting methods are Strict selectors and, if you want to, computer vision. I would avoid the Fuzzy selectors due to small variation in the text you trying to use as anchor.

In the strict selector for the anchor, just add your variable with the value you know it will be there:

If you are using computer vision, make sure to pass the variable in the CV Text Field and make sure that CV Control type is set as Text.


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thank you so much.
succeed by first test.

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Great to hear! Happy automation!

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